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Clear Harbor Asset Management’s CEO Aaron Kennon Named to Forbes Magazine’s List of Top Advisors 2021

Stamford, Connecticut—Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC today announced that Aaron Kennon, the CEO and Co-Founder of the firm, has been named to Forbes Magazine’s 2021 list of Best-In-State Wealth Advisors. “This award belongs to the entire Clear Harbor family—my colleagues and the firm’s trusted clients. The Clear Harbor team is passionate about the work that we do on behalf of our clients—particularly during this moment of great economic and geopolitical uncertainty. This award reflects the personalized approach that we embrace and the commitment that we make to deliver what we consider to be best-in-class advice and service to each of our client relationships,” commented Mr. Kennon.


Clear Harbor Asset Management's CEO Aaron Kennon Named to Forbes Magazine's List of Top Advisors

New York, NY—Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC today announced that Aaron Kennon, the CEO and Co-Founder of the firm, has been named to Forbes Magazine’s 2019 list of Best-In-State Wealth Advisors. “I am thrilled and honored to receive this recognition on behalf of the Clear Harbor team -- particularly from one of the world’s leading financial publications. Each advisor at Clear Harbor is passionate about partnering with our clients on all matters pertaining to their wealth. This award highlights the quality of service and attention to detail that is brought to bear on behalf of our clients each day,” commented Mr. Kennon.
